Monday, May 02, 2005

huks huks so sister is in the hospital now bcos she gots fever and today I have my stomache..........hiks what a "lovely" day!!!

I'm not feeling good today what I mean by feeling is the real feeling, I have bad mood in everything around me. I hate everything that happened today, well I know I supposed not allowed to say that bcos it means that I dont thanks to what God gave me, but still I really stuck!!!!

I hate the reason why I wrote this and I also hate why I didnt do it......all I want to do right now is just going to a place where I can feel happines again, maybe somewhere in my mind and someone or something that can cheer me up again.....

I hate today......and the most sucks feeling is that I know that the day aint over yet!!!!

Gosh I hate this daaay...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~hoping that good things will come in my way

~hoping that good things will come in my way

~hoping that good things will come in my way

~hoping that good things will come in my way

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