Thursday, March 31, 2005

huaaaaa hebat hebat jam segini masih di lab.........yah nasib neh ada tugas yang bikin gilaaa........
udah ah udah ah mau gilaaa lagi......hihihihihihihihi ;p

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

"Its a new day but it feels so old........."
--The Anthem = Good Charlotte--

Last Saturday(26 March) I and my friends watched the cool but not-to-rock band concert which is Simple Plan. Don’t know why but I think the show was not really kick in the head if you know what I mean but overall I enjoyed the show. In that concert, I didn’t realize that Tyas started to feel dizzy because she kept on singing and jumping so I guess there’s nothing wrong with her but suddenly she said to me that she feel dizzy and she cant take it anymore so with panic I started to find the solution because there is no way for us to go to back, the crowd was so crazy if we still tried to go to back I’m hardly sure that Tyas will be definitely faint on the way. So I tried to make her comfortable by hugging her and she said that it worked. She started to feel better again in 5 minutes and after that she kept telling me that I was her hero. Well to be honest the real hero is herself because she can hang on in that rock concert is somehow a very good effort while the others was not even trying to enjoy the show and feel the adrenalin between us by not going in front, at least Tyas has tried.
The bad things happen too, Momow who stand beside me and Tyas has lost his hand phone. It’s very strange because he kept his hand phone in his boxer while I and Tyas kept our hand phone in our pocket. Well maybe when he was too excited and keep jumping he forgot about his hand phone and it dropped. Poor Momow!!
Now let’s talk about the concert. To be honest I don’t really follow Simple Plan, I just knew about their hit singles of their first and second album. They play Shut Up as the opening and I said it was a very good starting point (while Baby and Momow not say like that) because it picked up my adrenalin so I can keep up til the rest of the concert. In that concert I keep on screaming and jumping and forget about anything, my problems, my sorrow. Actually I, Tyas, Momow and Momow’s friend Jerry were together but when Simple Plan played their first song the crowd was going crazy and we split out. But after some songs I and Tyas can finally find Momow and since then three of us keep together.
Oh my Gosh, David was sooooooooo coooooooooooool. David is the bassist of the band and he’s kinda like of the 2nd front man beside Pierre, the vocalist. David and Pierre made some conversation with the audience and for me it worked. They told that the crowd was so great and it is even better than their previous show in Japan. At first I directly like David, I don’t know why but he seemed so different, so special, when I told this to Tyas, she said that I was wrong, David is no good, and she even said David as ‘cupu’. But after we watched the concert finally she admitted it that David is cool guy huahahahahahaha.
Well actually I want to tell you about very very bad news but I just don’t think I’m ready to tell you so might be in the next of my writing.
By the way, my dad has gone to US on Sunday and in my birthday he won’t be here but I guess he has promised me to give me some gifts from there. My dad goes to LA and to Houston, well dad hopefully Allah will always protect you wherever you are, Amin!!

huahahahaha kinda long writing huh?!but the grammar was so suck.............somebody please teach me how to write the good writing!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

huuuua huaaa senang senang pagi ini gak ada dosen jadinya bisa senang senang.........
actually i want to tell you about things that happen when i watched simple plan concert but you know me......i am soooo moody person and rite now unfortunately i'm not in the mood of telling you the whole story but i promise i will tell you some stories!!!
cee yaaa.........!!!

Monday, March 28, 2005

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 26 March had been passed.........on that day I watched the very but not-really rock band SIMPLE PLAN concert. The concert was sooo cool but dunno why but it seems to me that the concert was not really kick in my head (if u know what i mean)........
in that concert I was really having fun, i juat scream and jump, forget about anything.....yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah SIMPLE PLAN ROOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

huaaaaaaaa...................baru install msn messenger 7, keren lho keren, gara2 install ini jadi gak mau masuk kuliah neh huehehehehehe.

aduh terjadi hal yang paling membe'tekan sedunia which is setting'an laptop gue berubah aduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh jadi beteeeeeee neh soalnya susah lagi buat ngubah ke previous setting'an.......wuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

huaaaaaa huaaaaaaaaaa
dah lama gak ngisi...............banyak alesan knapa gak ngisi tapi intinya seh males dan gak ada waktu huehehehhehe.........

dah masuk ke semeseter 4 neeh berarti new challenge lagi yaaa mudah2an kejadian yang nimpa gue di semester 3 gak keulang lagi AMIN.....!!!!
can i get another amen?! --HOLIDAY by GREEN DAY---

oh iya oh iya rite now i'm sooo crazy about green day..........gilaaaaaaaa green day tuh keren buanget...........aduh aduh pokoknya speechless banget deh klo ngomongin green day, udah lagunya keren2 (good riddance(time of your life), super duper keren) udah gituuu billie joe'nya cakep huehahahhahahah kapan seh gue suka sama sesuatu yang gak ada hubungannya sama cowok cakep (kta tyas lhooo)......
eh iya sabtu ini, tgl 24 maret, gue dan temen2 bakalan nonton SIMPLE PLAN huehheheh rock on babe!!!!!

announcement announcement.........minggu depan gue ultah lhooo which is tanggal 4 april jangan lupaaaaa yaaa!!!