Wednesday, December 29, 2004

stresss stresss stresss stresss stresss stresss stresss stresss!!!!!!
wish me luck in my uas yaaa....!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Inna Lillahi Wa inna Ilaihi Rojiun.......gue bener2 shock atas musibah yang terjadi di aceh dan across asia lainnya.......turut berduka cita.....dunno what to say anymore......just want to say I am sooo sooo sorrry......hopefully the entire human being can have something to think about from this disaster!!
~with sad~

Monday, December 27, 2004

hiks hiks i'm sooo saaad today........I did not succeed in my final test today and I also found out that I had bad scores in my previous exams......oooww my God......what is my fault now??huhuhuhuhuw I'm so scared that I won't pass some of my subjects.....I'm so stressssss eventhough this is only the first day of my week final exams, is this a bad sign or what? well i hope not....please wish me luck on my final test and hopefully i will pass all of my subjects this semester....Amien.....huuuaaaaaaaaa stressssssssssssss!!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

hue hue akhirnya ganti skin juga jadi kura2 gak jelas gini........biar ah biar tyas nyolot huhehehehhe.........
hari ini lumayan seru juga....sempet ngambek sama mas ade gara2 pake mobil touring'nya padahal kan itu mobil favorit'ku akhirnya gagal deh acara jalan2 dan mencari something buat someone huhuhuhuhuuuw sebeeeeeeelll banget tapi setelah itu lsg dimanja abis deh sama orang2 rumah jadi dipercaya buat bawa accord manual'nya trus jalan2 deh ke HI cuma buat muter doang sekali trus langsung pulang ke rumah wakakakkaka gak penting yaaa.....btw belum blajar neh buat uas huhuhuw wish me luck yaaa..............

Friday, December 24, 2004

huuuaaaaa stressssss...........banyak yang kesulitan buat isi tag boardnya pengen ngebenerin tapi kok males ya liat code'nya yang agak2 ngejelimet itu jadi mending nunggu tyas aja deh...........atpi sempet kepikiran buat ganti skin.....dah dapet seh lumayan keren tapi koooookkkk......................yah sutra lha kita liat aja apa tyas bisa ngebenerin blog gue apa enggak hehehhehehhe i depends on you beb........!!
huaaaa...........hari ini adalah hari terakhir dari lecturer dan minggu depan udah uas.......wish me luck guys..........finally today my blog got a lot of comments and most of them are saying that the skin of this blog is nooootttt meeeee..........well if you know me then you'll know why they say that ;)
hari ini bebeng nraktir lhooo huraaay makan gratisss............siap2 ya beng keabisan duit soalnya semingguan ini gue bener2 gak nafsu makan jadi kyanya weekend ini harus dipuaskan huehehehehe...........!!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

heeey finally i got my own blog...........hehehehe kok skin'nya agak2 menjijikkan ya......well itu rekomendasi dari tyas huhuhuhuuw jahat lhoo yas kok skin'nya gak gue banget yaa......hehehehehe...!!